e-flux | Watch and Chill 3.0: Streaming Suspense

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, e-flux, 2023年4月11日

The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA; Director Youn Bummo) presents Watch and Chill 3.0: Streaming Suspense at MMCA Seoul from Wednesday, April 12 to Sunday, July 23 as the third season of Watch and Chill (watchandchill.kr), the world’s first subscription-based art streaming platform.


Created by MMCA and presented in collaboration with other prominent art institutions, Watch and Chill offers subscribers around the world the opportunity to stream the works from the participating institutions’ media collections and of the artists of each community.


Watch and Chill subscribers will be alerted with a new work every week. (subtitled both in Korean and English.) The offline exhibition at MMCA Seoul presents City in Suspense, designed by the architectural studio FHHH friends (Han Seungjae, Han Yangkyu, Yoon Hanjin), providing visitors with an unique experience of suspense induced through the delay of information. Other participating artists, designers, and filmmakers from Asia, Oceania and the Americas include Club Ate (Justin Shoulder, Bhenji Ra), Fyerool Darma, Kwon Hayoun, Song Sanghee and Jacolby Satterwhite, among many others.