Hear 65 | Anise and Brandon Tay talk apocalyptic digital exhibition Non-Breaking Space at SIFA 2022, melding new tech wi

Sabiq Rafid, Hear 65, April 13, 2022

"As part of Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) 2022, a series of seasonal capsules curated by homegrown electronic music label Syndicate were made. Capsule #1 saw the collaboration between local musician cum illustrator Anise and artist Brandon Tay. 


Anise’s work dives deep into her own psyche, garnering inspirations from the expansive nature of the mind, as well as the relationships between land and the people who inhabit it. Tay on the other hand delves into moving imagery, installations, and world building via digital means. When the two collided, Non-Breaking Space was birthed.


Non-Breaking Space is a digital art exhibition that also acts as a five-track EP release for Anise. You can listen to the three out of the five tracks that have been released now, ‘The Source’, ‘ANIMISM’, and 'ANIMA ANIMUS' while navigating through an accompanying space in which they inhabit, created by Tay through real-time game engine Unity.


We recently caught up with Anise and Tay to get a better grasp of how the tracks and digital worlds were created, the headspaces they were in, past experiences, and ventures outside of SIFA in the near future."